for Ecological Economics and | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The fact that ISEC was the first institute to establish a separate ecological economics unit as far back as in 1981 testifies to the vision of its founding fathers. The mandate of the Centre is to analyse the interface between economics, ecology and institutions, the trade-off between growth and ecological balance, and to evolve an appropriate strategy for the management of natural resources. With the passage of time and with several ecological issues of development coming to the fore, the Centre has emerged as an important focal point to analyse and identify various policy alternatives relating to sustainable development. The Centre has completed a number of studies covering a wide range of themes such as urban development, economic instruments for pollution abatement, and economic and institutional aspects of management of natural resources such as land, forest, water, and common property resources. The present focus of research in Centre
includes solid waste management in urban areas and institutional aspects
of bio-diversity conservation, household energy use, livestock and
environment, irrigation systems and command area development, social
forestry, water harvesting, watershed development and dryland
agriculture. The institute has special expertise in the management
of water resources, analysis of water markets and command area
development. The studies on “Ecology, Economics and Institutions of Forest
Use in the Western Ghats”, funded by the MacArthur Foundation, presently
under way at the Institute, have received wide acclaim from academics and
environmental groups alike.
On-going: Raju, K.V., 2004, Rapid Assessment of Participatory Irrigation Management in Andhra Pradesh, in collaboration with Development Support Centre, Ahmedabad. Pasha, Syed Ajmal, 2004, "Eleventh Finance Commission’s Grants for Administrative Up-gradation and Effective Service Delivery in Karnataka: with special reference to development and welfare programmes. Pasha, Syed Ajmal, 2004, "Urban Infrastructure Imperative and Rain Water Harvesting: Opportunities and Challenges" (on-going project). SRTT Fellowship, in collaboration with Dr.K.V.M. Varambally, Director, Manipal Institute of Management, Manipal. Sastry G.S., 2004, "Role of Market Based Instruments in Industrial Pollution Abatement: A Comparative Study of India and France", ISEC, Bangalore. Completed Malavika Chauhan, 2005, Socio-economic and Ecological Feasibility Study of the Riparian Floodplain Restoration Programme for Increased Stream Flows, supported by SRTT. Raju, K.V., 2004, Alternatives to Rural Water Supply: A Study of Gujarat and Karnataka, in collaboration with International Water Management Institute-TATA. Raju, K.V., 2004, Institutions for Rural Infrastructure: Emerging Trends. In collaboration with International Food Policy Research Institute. Ninan, K.N., 2004, Energy use and policy in France and lessons for India. Ninan, K.N., 2004, The Environmental Kuznet’s Curve – Evidences with Indian and Japanese Data, ISEC, Bangalore. Pasha, Syed Ajmal, 2004, Livestock-Environment Interactions: Issues, Problems and Prospects", ISEC, Bangalore. Sastry, G.S., 2004, Urban Water Supply: A Comparative Study between Bangalore and Paris, supported by SRTT.
Ecological Economics Unit Publications:
Workshops/Training Programmes/Seminars Co-ordinated in Recent Years: Malavika Chauhan, 2004, Conference on Biotechnology and India’s Development, organised by ISEC, ICSSR, NWO and supported by IDPAD held at Hotel Grand Ashok, Bangalore, November 22-24, 2004. Raju, K.V., 2003, Co-ordinated a workshop on ‘Alternative Strategies to Rural Water Supply in Karnataka during July 22, 2003 at ISEC, Bangalore. Sastry, G.S., 2003, Co-ordinated the Workshop on Cost Benefit Analysis and the Environment for the Officers of Ministry of Environment and Forests, GOI, Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics, Madras School of Economics in Collaboration with Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, June 2-4, 2003. Pasha, Syed Ajmal, 2001, Jointly Co-ordinated a Faculty Upgradation Programme in Environmental Economics, conducted by the Ecological Economics Unit, ISEC from September 10 to October 9, 2001. The programme was part of the World Bank-aided India: Environmental Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Pasha, Syed Ajmal, 2001, Co-ordinated a Training Programme during February 26—March 2, 2001, for field officers and Ministerial staff of Karnataka Forest department, Under Japan Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC) Project being implemented by the Forest Department of Karnataka.
List of Faculty who are associated with
the Centre
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